Monday, April 2, 2012

From Farm to Fridge (polished)

        This post will be summarizing the conditions inside factory farms and how they produce the meat, which most of us eat daily. A video (linked above) called "Farm to Fridge" by an organization called Mercy for Animals unmasks the viewer from what is really going on behind the slaughter houses in the country. It shows animals such as pigs, turkeys, chickens and cows being abused in the most brutal and inhumane manner. The images of the factory look exactly like an auto chop shop, but covered in blood, feces and terrified animals.

   Calling it shocking would be an under statement. To describe the footage of animals that lived in a cage smaller then their own size their whole life being bullied by under paid employees, who risk their own life every day. The chickens are split into two groups, the male who dies within the first few hours of its birth and the female chicks who have their beaks burn off and kept in confinement until sliced in the neck. The piglets are castrated at birth without antibiotics, and have their throat sliced letting it bleed out in muscle spasms. Cattle are tortured every day by men who stab them with an electric rod and have their tails cut off without painkillers. All of these animals are physically abused by being smacked around, pounded, kicked, burned and stabbed before their death, and the ones too ill to make it to our table 'clean enough' are brutally murdered with hammers, weapons, or by being smacked on the ground until passing away.

The events being shown in this video remind me of an interview Gail A. Eisnitz reported in her novel Slaughterhouse with a previous employee of a Farm Factory, where he describes similar situations to the ones mentioned above, but the image someone creates by reading about these very graphic scenes cannot possibly compare to the moment one actually sees the cruelty with their own eyes.


  1. Hi Kimon, I am a student in Prof. Rogers-Cooper tutoring writing class. I read your blog about "from farm to fridge." Your opening paragraph was put together well. You clearly explained what the video was about. You gave strong details. With those details you are giving the potenial viewer a good idea on what they are about to watch. For your opening sentence to your second paragraph why dont you change the word "exaggeration" to "statement" and put a period, starting a new sentence. Once again you give strong details to the reader, which is good. Where you lost me was in your final paragraph. Im not sure exactly what is coming out of that paragraph. You dont give much of an explanation as to why you are mentiioning this. Overall you did very well.
    Feel free to write back to me

  2. Hi Kimon, I am a student in Professor Coopers Eng. 101 class. I watched the “From Farm to Fridge” video and read your blog entry. Your opening paragraph was well put together, I really liked it, and I liked how you compared the factories to an “auto chop shop”. Your second paragraph really sums up how each animal is ill-treated and abused. I would suggest stating how each animal is physically abused, whether being smacked around, pounded etc., instead of saying “All of these animals are physically abused by being smacked around, pounded, kicked, burned and stabbed before their death”. The third paragraph was a bit confusing, with how Gail A. Eisnitz ties in and plays a role with the video? Overall I think your blog entry conveys the essential ideas of the video and creates great imagery.

